Saturday, January 7, 2012


One of the themes of the Passion conference last week was Freedom. Louie Giglio and John Piper both talked about freedom and I thought what they said about it was interesting. They said that we as humans have kind of a warped view of freedom. To us, freedom is being able to choose whatever we want, to do what we want, go where we want, say what we want and think what we want without anyone telling us that we're not allowed to. That's the free will that God gave us: the freedom to choose Him or to reject Him (although some may disagree about whether or not we have free will, but that's a whole other debate...). When we choose Christ, we are chaining ourselves to Him and to His will and what He wants for us instead of what we want for us. But it is only in this act of making ourselves slaves to Christ that we can experience true freedom: the freedom to live a life set apart by God to accomplish the things He wants to accomplish through us.

The cause supported by the Passion conference 2012 was the cause of freedom. They spent a lot of the week talking about slavery and human trafficking. They have estimated that there are 27 million people in slavery or being trafficked around the world. 2 children are sold into slavery every minute. We raised over $3 million towards the cause of freedom! Praise the Lord for that! Here's a link to a story CNN did that talks about our conference and the cause of freedom. I will also be uploading the videos we saw about some of the people in slavery as I get them on my computer. Very interesting to hear some of the stories......

I had the opportunity last week to give to this cause to try and end modern day slavery and I didn't do it because I didn't have enough "extra" money. But I finally decided that it doesn't have to be extra. I can go without a couple things this week to give for these people. I can fast from a meal to pray for these people. So I got online and I gave. I want to challenge you to do it too! Join me in doing something NOW! Not next month, not next year, let's do something NOW! Here's a link if you would like to give: Do Something Now.

"Indifference is not an option."

Friday, January 6, 2012


This past week I had the privilege of attending Passion Conference 2012 in Atlanta. It was an amazing conference that brought in speakers like Louie Giglio, Beth Moore, Francis Chan and John Piper as well as bands like Chris Tomlin, David Crowder Band, Hillsong, Matt Redman and others. I'll be posting more about it later, but I wanted to share a little of what I learned this past week. 

In the closing session yesterday Louie Giglio spoke and he talked about Ephesians 6:19-20 which says, "19 Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should." He said that this should be our prayer above all else, at the top of our prayer list this is the most important thing. Whenever someone asks, "what can I pray for you for?" we should tell them "Ephesians 6:19 & 20". 

Several times this past week I listened to the speakers preaching from the Word and listened to guests talk about the cause of freedom that Passion was raising money for this year. Every time, the teaching or the stories would make me want to do something and make me want to get up and start winning people for Christ but the whole week I kind of felt like I was floundering with how to do it and where to start. I felt like I had a desire and a dream to live a significant life, to make a difference, but I had no idea where to begin. Louie, in his teaching yesterday, presented us with a very simple concept that I've heard before, but for some reason it really resonated with me this time. He specifically brought up the question of where to start and what to do and his answer to that was this: "Can we just bury that [question] right here and now? So that you don't have to keep going 'I don't know what to do...I don't know what God's will is for me. I don't know, I just don't know what to do'. Come on. What you are supposed to do is move up to the top of your prayer list [Ephesians 6:19-20]." He went on to say that that verse is God's will for our lives, and His will for us is to do that wherever He places us. If we're bankers or doctors or Nascar drivers or entrepreneurs that in whatever we do we fearlessly proclaim the Gospel. 

The other point he made in that was that we are called to be fearless. To let go of all of our fears about what people will think of us or what they might say about us or what someone might do to us and to let go of all of that and leave only one fear remaining: the fear of living an insignificant life. This hit me right where I was at yesterday. I don't have to wonder where to start or what to do; I am called to fearlessly proclaim the Gospel right where I'm at. I have to let go of my fears of other people and what they might think and be ready to fearlessly proclaim God's love through my words and through the way I live my life. I know it's going to be hard; just talking to people I don't know is hard for me. But now for the first time in a long time I feel like I have a direction and I know what I'm supposed to be doing and I know how to do it: fearlessly proclaim the Gospel by caring about the other people not about what they think about me. 

So my New Year's Resolution? Be FEARLESS!!!

These are the lyrics to one of the songs we sang this week that I think really fits with this. 

The flame is getting stronger
The song is playin louder
We can't hide this love away
There's nothing to fear now
Send us in your power
Jesus take us all the way

From the rooftops sing:

I'm not ashamed of the one who saved my soul
I'm not ashamed of the one who saved my soul my soul
This fire inside of me 
Is burning for your name
I'm not ashamed hey hey
I'm not ashamed hey hey
(Here's a link to a youtube video of the song if you want to listen to it: Passion 2012)

So, if you want to know how you can be praying for me.....Ephesians 6:19-20! 

Thursday, August 25, 2011


I'm shy. I don't like talking to people I don't know. I'm not good at being that person that goes up and introduces herself to people and just starts talking to them, though I wish I was! I've always been envious of those outgoing people, always wished I could be one of them. Over this past year I've finally begun to realize that I can!

I read something once that said being shy is just being selfish. Now I had never thought of it that way. For me, being shy was the only thing I could be! It was just who I am. But I've come to realize that's not true. I have the choice to keep to myself where I feel comfortable or I can take a step out of my comfort zone (and for me that's a REALLY big step!) and talk to people.

I had never thought it was possible until a little more than a year ago......I found out something about one of my friends that I had never known before. This particular friend is one that I have always admired because she is so friendly and outgoing and super sweet. I found out that she was really shy when she was younger but she made the decision to make herself step out and talk to people. I couldn't believe it that one of the people I had admired for so long because of her friendliness and openness struggled with the same problem that I do! It encouraged me that maybe, just maybe, I could be a little more friendly too.

I struggled with this a LOT my first semester at college. I had a really hard time getting to know people in my classes unless they were super outgoing and would talk to me first. I still do struggle with this, but I have come  a long way!

Today for lunch I had 2 hours to kill just hanging around at school, so I had told a friend of mine I would meet up with her and we decided to hang out then. I went over to meet her at the campus center and she had several friends there with her that I hadn't met. A year ago I would have freaked out and probably would not have said a word the entire time I was sitting there. But today, there were about seven people at that table that I didn't know, and only one that I knew.....but I talked with them and got into the conversation and I actually had a good time! I know this probably sounds stupid to most of you, but that is a HUGE deal for me! I don't just hang out with people I don't know, much less actually enjoy myself! It's amazing what taking a step out of your comfort zone can do! It's really hard, but totally worth it in the end!

Monday, August 22, 2011

First day of school!

I was really dreading my first day of school today....and I just got back from one of the best days of school I've had in a looong time! I knew people in all of my classes and my classes were all fun too! Just walking around campus I ran into a bunch of people I knew. And I'm also not a freshman anymore!! That's pretty cool too. :) I'm actually starting to get a little excited about this year...can't wait to see what it holds!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

A few more pics...

A few more pics from Belize :)


This is Punta Gorda, a town on the coast that we went to Sunday after going to the Mayan ruins.

These two pics are from Jaguar Reef 




Centipede thingy...we found these in Bella Vista

A lizard...of some sort. 

I think this is the bat that was flying around in the girls room the first night at Dump. Fastest way to get a room full of girls to scream: throw a bat in with them. :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

More pictures!

Here are some more pics from Belize! :) 


My friend Claire and I at the Mayan ruins

More ruins :)

Late night silliness :) 

Me and Jordyn on the golf cart in Hopkins (the town where the resort is located)

Me and my friend Kaylee :)


Hermias, Barnaby and Elias with a friend

Bracelet making

Alisia being a little monkey :)

Walking through Bella Vista with Amilia


I love the palm trees!! 

These pictures make me miss Belize even more! :) I'll try to post some more pics tomorrow...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Belize 2011-Summary

So, our trip is over, we all made it back safely and I'm pretty sure we all had a blast! In some ways, it's kind of a letdown...I already miss it. I really hope that God will allow me to go back, but one thing I've learned from this is the most important thing is to follow where God is leading. Running ahead on my own accomplished absolutely nothing. It was only when I stepped back and started listening for what God was saying that things began to happen.

I learned a lot on this trip, a lot that I think could impact the way I live my life from here on out if I continue to listen to what God is saying. It's a bit intimidating but also exciting to think of where He might lead me next! One day at a time, following Him.....

"Freedom gained in what is lost, My life I’ve found in you
The greatest gift you’ve given me, I am ready… God I will Go
I give my life,  give my heart, everything I am God I’m all yours… I’m all yours
Where you lead me I will go I will follow you and know I am yours
There’s nowhere I would rather be than with you for all to see I am yours.
I am yours"
- I Am Yours by Jordan Howerton Band

Here is a video summary of our trip in Belize. Enjoy! :)